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Opengram 0.5.0

  • 🤖 Bots API version increased from 6.8 to 6.9
    • Updated JSDoc annotations
    • Added user_shared and chat_shared subtype for message
    • Updated dependencies

Opengram 0.4.1

  • 🤖 Bots API version increased from 6.7 to 6.8
    • Added new method unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages for Telegram and Context classes
    • Updated JSDoc annotations
    • Updated dependencies

Opengram 0.3.1

  • 🤖 Bots API version increased from 6.6 to 6.7

  • ⚠️ BREAKING handlerTimeout behavior changed

    Previously in Opengram 0.1.0 - 0.2.0-beta.1, was added TimeoutError, which throwed if middleware chain executes more then handlerTimeout.

    From now, Opengram by default wait only 2000 ms before get new updates via polling or close webhook connectionю

    After Opengram 0.3.0 handler timeout can be configured in 3 modes:

    // For webhook closes webhook connection immedialtely
    // For polling - doesn't wait for updates processing and get new updates immediately
    const bot = new Opengram('...', { handlerTimeout: 0 })

    // For webhook - waits N milliseconds and closes connection
    // For polling - waits N milliseconds and get new updates if prev not processed completely
    const bot = new Opengram('...', { handlerTimeout: 2000 })

    // For webhook - waits for full update processing (but not recommened, because telegram repeat update after some timeout)
    // For polling - waits and get new updates only if all prev processed completely
    const bot = new Opengram('...', { handlerTimeout: Infinity })

    ⚠️⚠️⚠️ If you run your bot on serverless, you need to specify timeout in milliseconds or pass Infinity to prevent stopping code execution after closing webhook connection

  • ⚠️ BREAKING ctx.botInfo now not available, use (for context) and bot.username (for bot instance) to get bot username

    getMe called for every update, if bot.username not exists.

    If you use bot.handleUpdate(s), set bot.username or pass username into Opengram constructor options, to prevent many getMe calls and problems with API Limits, example:

    const bot = new Opengram(token, { username: 'botusername' }) // Via Opengram options
    bot.username = 'botusername' // Via username setter
    // ...
    // ...
  • ❌ Add exception classes for common bot API errors.

    Now you can check what error occurred, Opengram provides ~82 classes for Bots API exceptions, which extends from common base exception types:

    • BadRequest - HTTP 400

    • ConflictError HTTP 409

    • ForbiddenError - HTTP 403

      Every basic exception class extends TelegramError class.

      For example, if you want to check is sendMessage returns error like this:

      response: {
      ok: false,
      error_code: 403,
      description: 'Forbidden: bot was blocked by the user'

      You can use:

      const { TelegramError, Exceptions: { BotBlocked, ForbiddenError } } = require('opengram')

      try {
      await ctx.telegram.sendMessage(...)
      } catch (err) {
      console.log(err instanceof TelegramError) // true
      console.log(err instanceof ForbiddenError) // true
      console.log(err instanceof BotBlocked) // true

      All unknown errors that don't match the http code or don't have a class can be checked as TelegramError:

      bot.catch((err, ctx) => {
      if (err instanceof TelegramError) {
      console.log('Telegram returns error: ', err)

      throw err // throw unknown errors
  • 📝 Added escape methods for Markdown, MarkdownV2, HTML to Markup class

    Now you can use this methods for escaping user input data and etc, example:

    const { Markup, Markup: { HTML, md, mdv2} } = require('opengram')

    // Using methods
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply('<b>User name:</b>: ' + Markup.escapeHTML(ctx.from.first_name)))
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply('*User name:*: ' + Markup.escapeMarkdownV2(ctx.from.first_name)))
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply('*User name:*: ' + Markup.escapeMarkdown(ctx.from.first_name)))

    // Using template strings
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply(HTML`<b>User name:</b>: ${ctx.from.first_name}`))
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply(mdv2`*User name:*: ${ctx.from.first_name}`))
    bot.on('message', ctx => ctx.reply(md`*User name:*: ${ctx.from.first_name}`))

Opengram 0.1.0 - 0.2.0-beta.1

Bots API (5.0-6.6)

  • Added extra parameter's argument for deleteWebhook
  • ⚠️ BREAKING Changed setWebhook method arguments
// Previously the syntax was
setWebhook (url, certificate, maxConnections, allowedUpdates)
//Now: (check docs for more info)
setWebhook (webhookOptions, extra)
  • Added dropPendingUpdates , ip_address options for Opengram#launch method.
  • Added extra parameter's argument for unbanChatMember, unbanChatMember, editMessageLiveLocation
  • Added method unpinAllChatMessages


  • Added support for my_chat_member, chat_member, message_auto_delete_timer_changed, voice_chat_started, voice_chat_ended, voice_chat_participants_invited events
  • Added createChatInviteLink, editChatInviteLink, revokeChatInviteLink methods
  • Added myChatMember, chatMember getters for Context


  • Added support for voice_chat_participants_invited, voice_chat_scheduled event


  • Added inputFieldPlaceholder for Markup class
  • deleteMyCommands, banChatMember(kickChatMember marked as deprecated), getChatMemberCount (getChatMembersCount marked ad deprecated)
  • Added extra parameter's argument for setMyCommands, getMyCommands


  • Added support for chat_join_request event
  • Added chatJoinRequest getter for Context
  • Added approveChatJoinRequest, declineChatJoinRequest methods


  • Added banChatSenderChat, unbanChatSenderChat method
  • Added support for spoiler entity


  • Added the parameter protect_content to the methods sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendSticker, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendPoll, sendDice, sendInvoice, sendGame, sendMediaGroup, copyMessage, forwardMessage, reply, replyWithHTML, replyWithMarkdown, replyWithMarkdownV2 to allow sending messages with protected content to any chat.
  • Added support for spoiler entities


  • Added the parameter webm_sticker to the methods createNewStickerSet and addStickerToSet.


  • Added web app button for keyboard & inline-keyboard
  • Added answerWebAppQuery for sending an answer to a Web App query, which originated from an inline button of the 'web_app' type.
  • Added event web_app_data
  • Added methods setChatMenuButton and getChatMenuButton for managing the behavior of the bots menu button in private chats.
  • Added methods setMyDefaultAdministratorRights and getMyDefaultAdministratorRights for managing the bots default administrator rights.
  • Added support for links that can be used to add the bot to groups and channels as an administrator.


  • Added the method createInvoiceLink to generate an HTTP link for an invoice.
  • Added secret_token support for webhooks.


  • Added support for custom_emoji message entity
  • Added the method getCustomEmojiStickers.


  • Added auto reference message_thread_id for context methods reply, replyWithPhoto, replyWithMediaGroup, replyWithAudio, replyWithDice, replyWithDocument, replyWithSticker, replyWithVideo, replyWithAnimation, replyWithVideoNote, replyWithInvoice, replyWithGame, replyWithVoice, replyWithPoll, replyWithQuiz, replyWithChatAction, replyWithLocation, replyWithVenue, replyWithContact
  • Added the methods createForumTopic, editForumTopic, closeForumTopic, reopenForumTopic, deleteForumTopic, unpinAllForumTopicMessages, and getForumTopicIconStickers for forum topic management.


  • Added auto reference message_thread_id for context method sendChatAction


  • Added keyboard buttons userRequest, botRequest, groupRequest, channelRequest


  • Added methods setMyDescription, getMyDescription, setMyShortDescription, getMyShortDescription
  • Added the method setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail for editing the thumbnail of custom emoji sticker sets created by the bot.
  • Added the method setStickerSetTitle for editing the title of sticker sets created by the bot.
  • Added the method deleteStickerSet for complete deletion of a given sticker set that was created by the bot.
  • Added the method setStickerEmojiList for changing the list of emoji associated with a sticker.
  • Added the method setStickerKeywords for changing the search keywords assigned to a sticker.
  • Added the method setStickerMaskPosition for changing the mask position of a mask sticker.
  • Added setStickerSetThumbnail, setStickerSetThumb now deprecated



Added max_connections for Opengram#launch


Added MarkdownV2 support for Extra



Now ctx.botInfo required. (⚠️ ctx.botInfo removed in Opengram 0.3.0 check changelog)

Previously ctx.botInfo / only was available when a bot started with Opengram.launch() or when you passed a bot username in Opengram options. 

Now getMe called for every update, if ctx.botInfo not exists.

If you use bot.handleUpdate(s), you should add Opengram.botInfo data, to prevent many calls getMe and problems with API Limits, example:

const bot = new Opengram(token, {})
bot.context.botInfo = { username: 'mybot' }
// ...
// ...


Fully remove support for passing keyboard directly to extra parameters, it was not fully removed for editMessageCaption, editMessageMedia, but removed for others in Telegraf 3.38, now it is not available:

// Before that, you could do this
'Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a - scar.',

// Now only:
'Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a - scar.',

// Or

'Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a - scar.',

  • Added entities, captionEntities methods for adding entities with Extra
  • Added enter middleware for Wizard scenes, now you can use scene.enter(ctx => ...) like in Base scenes
  • Fixed formatHTML with emoji
  • Fixed formatHTML to work with HTML-reserved characters
  • Fix telegram.getFileLink with local bot API instances
  • ⚠️ BREAKING Webhook methods blacklist replaced with a whitelist
  • Fixed infinity recursion in scenes. For example:
// Enter calling leave, and it's emit new leave event and get into recursion
scene.leave(ctx => ctx.scene.enter('name'))

Rewrite handlerTimeout. (⚠️ handlerTimeout behavior changed, TimeoutError removed in Opengram 0.3.0 check changelog)

Now TimeoutError an error thrown when timeout. Previously, when a timeout, when the timeout expired, long-polling doesn't await processing all updates and gets new updates. handlerTimeout is part of long-polling backpressure, when your handler processed very long time it's very bad. For webhook, it can create some problems with webhook reply and etc. It was decided to toughen up this design to avoid bigger problems. However, of course, you can handle this error in bot.catch like any other.

  • Added test environment support, see Bots API 6.0 changes for mare information
  • Added apiPrefix option for using with TDLight
  • Fixed stopCallback calling twice, in some cases it was being called twice
  • ⚠️ BREAKING Changed default webhook path /telegraf/... to /opengram/...
  • Fixed error swallowing when starting the bot. Sometimes, when Opengram.launch() calls the API method and gets an error, it was displayed in the console, and the bot would freeze, it would not receive an update, was not really launched and did not crash - "Bot started, but not answers to events" Commit for more info - 90c2012
  • Fixed Composer.match for channel updates. Now Composer::hears, Composer::action, Composer::inlineQuery works for channels too
  • Added TelegramError export
  • Added redact for hide token from error messages
  • Fixed startPayload for commands with username
  • Wizard Scenes now extends BaseScene
  • Added Scenes object to exports
  • Added isTelegramError and exported
  • Added Composer.customEmoji
  • Added anyMessage, anyText, anyEntities getters in OpengramContext
  • Added warning when accessing session object after save
  • Added warning accessing session object when session key not available


  • JSDoc annotated code
  • Update to Bot API 6.6
  • Added support for cancelling requests via AbortSignal in Telegram.callApi() / Context & Telegram methods
  • Add attachmentAgent option to provide an agent that is used for fetching files from the web before they are sent to Telegram (previously done through the same agent as used to connect to Telegram itself)
  • Sessions rewrote and refactored
  • Increased tests coverage
  • Code / performance improvements
  • Fixed a lot of bugs